Oral Presentations (allotted time)

Young Investigator Award

  • Presentation Slot: 12 Minutes
  • Presentation time: 8 Minutes
  • Discussion: 4 Minutes

Long Oral

  • Presentation Slot: 10 Minutes
  • Presentation time: 7 Minutes
  • Discussion: 3 Minutes

Short Oral, including Case Reports

  • Presentation Slot: 5 Minutes
  • Presentation time: 3 Minutes
  • Discussion: 2 Minutes

Poster presentation (PO) – electronic posters

  • Presentation Slot: 5 Minutes
  • Presentation time: 3 Minutes
  • Discussion: 2 Minutes

It is advised to focus on the main content with short introduction.

Electronic Poster

Preparation – important notes

Poster will be presented in digital format and should be prepared only in Microsoft PowerPoint (pptx) MANDATORY on a single page, without animations or videos, and with specific dimensions. FORMAT: vertical

Monitor: Led full HF 55″ Samsung

Kindly use the following font exclusively: Calibri.

Posters must be submitted between May 15th and May 29th via email, to: eupsa2024@planning.it

Subject: Submission of Poster Code (abstract number) +Title*Make sure you use the same title that you have used in your abstract.

The content should be in English.

The presentation will be in front of the displayed electronic poster, no further slides needed.

Upon submission of the poster, confirmation of the person presenting the work at the congress venue is required. If the work is to be presented by the same individual previously indicated during abstract submission, simply confirm. However, if it will be presented by another person, please inform first the EUPSA Scientific Office (office@eupsa.info) for approval.

Poster Presentation

  • Presentation Slot: 5 Minutes
  • Presentation time: 3 Minutes
  • Discussion: 2 Minutes

For all presenters

We kindly advise you to stick exactly to the allocated presentation time. All chairs are advised to strictly stop the presentation when the allocated time is over.

Please make sure, to allow adequate discussion time.

Technical information

Speakers & Session Chairs

• A PC with Microsoft Office supporting PowerPoint Presentations will be provided by the organizers in the lecture halls.

• Presentations should be prepared on Microsoft PowerPoint 16:9 ratio and should be submitted to the technician in the speaker Ready Room at least 2 hours prior to the beginning of your session on a disk-on-key (USB stick).

• Early morning session presenters are requested to bring their PowerPoint presentation to the technician in the lecture hall the day before (if that is not possible, please bring it 30 min before the session starts).

Important note for Macintosh users: In order to use MAC presentations on a PC compatible computer, please note the following instructions while preparing your presentation prior to uploading in the lecture hall to avoid last minute problems of incompatibility:

• Please note that the conference has no support for MAC presentations and, therefore, we ask speakers to convert their presentation to PowerPoint and test it on a PC computer before arriving to the Meeting.

• Use a common font, such as Arial, Times New Roman, Verdana etc. (special fonts might be changed to a default font on a PowerPoint based PC).

• Insert pictures as JPG files (and not TIF, PNG or PICT – these images will not be visible on a PowerPoint based PC).

• If presenting videos, please use MP4 format

• Please bring your MAC computer and adaptors with you as backup. Personal computers will be used, in rare cases.

Oral presentations

• All presenters should deliver their presentations in the speakers ready room at least 30 min. prior to the their session.

• Personal computers will not be allowed for presentations

• Please use Microsoft Office 2010, Format 16:9, File pdf or ppt or Keynote

• If presenting videos, please use MP4 format

Young investigator session (12 min total) 8 min presentation and 4 min discussion.

Scientific sessions (10 min total) 7 min presentation and 3 min discussion.

All five minutes oral presentations (including Case Report session) are 3 min presentation and 2 min discussion.

E-Poster Presentation

Abstracts selected for poster will be presented as e-Posters during the congress. Approximately 6-8 e-Poster terminals will be available for viewing in the e-Poster area. E-posters must be uploaded before the congress to be visible at the terminals.

Poster presenters should send their final poster as a PDF file to the congress secretariat

Further information will be provided prior to the congress.