STEPS 2023 – Neonatal Emergency Surgery Experts Forum

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Amulya Saxena, MD London, United Kingdom
Attila Kálmán, MD Budapest, Hungary
Gergő Józsa, MD Pécs, Hungary
Hiroyuki Koga, MD Tokyo, Japan
J Duncan Phillips, MD Raleigh, United States
László Sasi-Szabó, MD Debrecen, Hungary
Mario Mikóczi, MD Budapest, Hungary
Péter Vajda, MD Pécs, Hungary
Péter Vörös, MD Budapest, Hungary
Tamás Kovács, MD Szeged, Hungary
Timothy Lee, MD Houston, United States
Stavros Loukogeorgakis, MD London, United Kingdom
Sundeep Keswani, MD Houston, United States
Tutku Soyer, MD Ankara, Turkey
Zoltán Ringwald, MD Budapest, Hungary


Abstract submission
Structured abstracts (Aim, Patients, Results, Conclusion) of 200 words with title, full author names (first name and family name) & institution (name, city, country) can be submitted online or by email to

Abstract submission deadline 20th January 2023
Acceptance notification 10th February 2023

Information/Registration website:

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