EUPSA 2024 Autumn Meeting

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Join us for an enriching one and a half day program featuring expert Faculty presentations and an immersive hands-on course.

On day one participants will have the opportunity to engage in practical, hands-on training sessions designed to enhance their surgical skills.

On day two (half day), will offer insightful presentations from leading pediatric surgeons, covering the latest advancements and techniques in the field.


Local Organising Committee:

Paolo De Coppi, MD (EUPSA President, London -UK)

Stefano Giuliani (EUPSA Scientific Office, London -UK)

Marta Gazzaneo (TEPS Chairperson, Brescia – Italy)


Registration fees:

EUPSA Memebrs: € 100,00

NON MEMBERS: € 120.00

Limited availability: registrations will be accepted on a first come – first served basis

Click here to start your registration now.

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