Beijing Pediatric Minimal Invasive Surgery Live Workshop

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Prof Long LI

Prof Paul Kwong-Hang Tam

Prof Wei CHENG

Prof Mei DIAO

Main topics to be highlighted during the workshop are:
1. Advances in Management of Choledochal Cysts in the Laparoscopic Era
2. The Application of Laparoscopy in the Management of Anorectal Malformation
3. Redo Pull-through after Complications in Hirschsprung’s Disease


Live-streamed surgeries will include:
1. Single-incision laparoscopic choledochal cyst excision and hepaticojejunostomy
2. Single-incision laparoscopic-assisted anorectoplasty
3. Laparoscopic hernia repair
4. Laparoscopic appendectomy


Please join us for this Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 89004952326.
Registration is free for all participants.

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