14th Central & Eastern European Course in Pediatric Surgery – “Neonatal & Minimal Invasive Surgery”

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Course Faculty

Zafer Dokumcu (Izmir, Turkey)
Sabine Zundel (Lucerne, Switzerland)
Martin Lacher (Leipzig, Germany)
Matthijs Oomen (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Amulya Saxena (London, UK)
Gaia Tamaro (Trieste, Italy)


Course Venue
Tirana International Hotel – Tirana, Albania

Registration Fee

Early registration: till 01.10..2023 50,00 €
Late registration: after 01.10.2023 70,00 €

Click HERE to pay the registration by credit card.

Travel information and Hotel accommodation

Distance between TIA and Course Venue is 18 km. You can easily take a taxi from the airport to the course venue.

Hotel accommodation is possible at the course venue and is located in the city center. For more information click on the link https://tiranainternational.com

To register please fill in this form: https://forms.gle/U1tC7SNkmp62cxKS9

For questions and / or other information please send an email to aulona.haxhirexha@gmail.com

Click here to download the program


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