Minimally Invasive Pediatric Surgery and Urology

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Dear Colleagues,
The European Pediatric Surgeon’sAssociation (EUPSA) has the pleasure toannounce the 14th Central & EasternEuropean Course in Pediatric Surgery on thetopic of “Minimally Invasive Pediatric Surgeryand Urology” in Prishtina, Kosovo.
Challenges exist for pediatric surgeons withregards to the variations in urologypathologies. The present meeting will focuson various aspects that include diagnosisand treatment of upper and lower urinarytract in children. The 14th Meeting isenvisaged to provide an excellent overviewthrough lectures given by experts. TheCourse also includes lecture amplediscussion time to interact with the faculty.
The European Pediatric Surgeon’sAssociation (EUPSA) along with the localorganization team from Prishtina,Kosovowelcomes you to Kosovo for the 14th Central& Eastern European Course in PediatricSurgery!

Martin Lacher, MD
Chairman EUPSA Education Office



Martin Lacher (Leipzig, Germany)

Amulya Saxena (London, United Kingdom)

Zafer Dokumcu (Izmir (Turkey)

Maud Lindeboom (Utrecht, The Netherlands)

Naziha Khen Dunlop (Paris, France)


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