Paediatric Minimally Invasive Surgery and Urology Course Geneva

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ƒ Two-day hands-on course for pediatric surgeons on cadaveric animal models including the new avian model
ƒ Fully equipped and modern surgical training center
ƒ Multimedia-learning with instructional videos during hands-on practice

Day 1
ƒ The first day offers up to date teaching on the physiological specificities of laparoscopy in children and technical aspects covering from the fine tunings of the stack to the basics of laparoscopy ergonomics, by leading experts. The theoretical introduction will be followed by 5 hours of hands-on exercises with a view to improving laparoscopic knotting, suturing and dissection. The highlight of the first day is the new avian model proposing adapted training opportunity for juniors, as well as advanced surgeons.


Day 2
ƒ The second day will entail two half-days of  hands-on practice. Specific procedures will be performed on selected high quality animal models, following short video presentations (fundoplication, cholecystectomy, pyeloplasty…), with high tutor-participant ratio.

ƒ Participation fees 
 (including lunches and dinner)
2-day training : CHF 1’500.-
-10% for EUPSA members and members of the Swiss Society for Pediatric Surgery



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